The new sitcom that tells the true story of the fall and fall of Mark Latham. The man who went from Mayor of Liverpool Council to Campbelltown house husband.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Episode 10 - The New Year Gig Guide

As parliament is in recess over the Christmas, New Year period, the Movers and Shakers of Australian Federal politics are on a well deserved break... or are they. Some of our illustrious leaders are hard at work trying to spread the cheer and good will in their own unique ways.

We bring you the New Year Gig Guide.

Alexander Downer and the "backbenchers" go on a tour of Fiji with their new show, a tribute to Mahatma Ghandi, "The passive resistance chorus line". If it's successful in Fiji, they plan to take it to China, Russia and Iraq later next year, and the PM has suggested a special one off show at Guantanamo Bay.

The Labour Party Policy Pantomime is a must see, this is where each member of the Shadow Cabinet gets to act out a policy for the next election. Although Peter Garretts forestry policy "Where have all the Gum Trees Gone" lacks the soul and conviction of some of his earlier work, the night is rescued by Julia Gillards stunning rendition of "Working Class Nation" as a response to the Howard IR reforms.

Comming to a town near you, the Gillard-Rudd Talk and Listen tour otherwise known as "Punch and Julia".

Pauline Hanson back by unpopular demand is hosting a special rendition of the "Black and White minsteral show"... special because it employs white people exclusively. The show will tour extensively, altough sources close to Ms Hanson have suggested that in light of recent events, they are thinking of cancelling the scheduled Palm Island and Lakemba shows, she will however be making a special appearance at "the Big Day Out" draped in the Australian flag.

Peter Costello is doing an album launch where he sings some of his all time favourites like "When I'm 64", "As Time Goes By", and "The Fool on the Hill", with a special guest appearance from Shanon Noel as they do a duet to "What about Me".

Mark Latham will be touring with an adapted stage rendition of A Christmas Carol where he discovers the error of his ways and goes about the streets giving all the needy and marginalised people free copies of his latest book. This has a special guest appearance from Gough Whitlam as the Ghost of Christmas past, and Kevin Rudd as the Ghost of Christmas future.


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